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The Problem
- Nearly 40-70 million Americans are affected by ongoing sleep issues every year. Sleep makes up nearly one-third of our entire lives – yet it eludes so many of us.
- We live in a non-stop world. There is an overload of information, and our brains are working overtime to process all of the incoming data at lightning speed.
- The problem lies in the after-effects of all this “over processing.”
- Our brains are left in a state of hyperarousal, which can lead to high levels of anxiety, stress and even depression.
- ALL of this interferes with SLEEP.

- Our brain is wired for sleep. It is a natural and required functional state. That’s because all parts of the sleep cycle focus on resting and resetting different parts of our bodies and regulating brain function.
- There are two different types of sleep:
– Non-REM (“quiet sleep”): Resets the body; repairs and rebuilds muscles, tissues and bones; strengthens the immune system
– REM (“active sleep”): Processes memories; helps regulate emotions; resets the brain
- When we cannot fall into either of these states of sleep, we prevent our brain from getting the proper time it needs to rest, repair and process information.
- Because so many people with sleep issues are operating from a state of hyperarousal, it may feel nearly impossible to shut down the anxiety, stress and worries of the day.
- This is what prevents the brain from falling into its desired and natural sleep state.
When a group of human subjects with significant sleep issues who had taken SERENOTENE® were questioned about how it affected their sleep, typical responses were:
- “I was able to fall asleep more easily.”
- “I feel like I slept more soundly.”
- “I had no groggy feelings the next day.”
- One subject stated that his co-workers noticed that his attitude at work improved.
- All the subjects wanted more of the product after the study period was completed.
- The consensus of the users was that SERENOTENE® may have improved their sleep.
SERENOTENE® was designed to work by relieving the daily stress that prevents the brain from falling into its natural sleep patterns. It does not work by sedation.

L-THEANINE — An antioxidant abundantly found in both green tea and black tea
- Elevates levels of GABA, serotonin and dopamine – calming, feel good brain chemicals.
- Reduces levels of “excitatory” brain chemicals.
- Improves relaxation and relieves an overactive mind.
- Helps increase sleep duration and sleep efficiency throughout the night.
- Enhances recovery from exhaustion.
- Promotes refreshed awakening.
MELATONIN — A naturally occurring sleep hormone
- Maintains the body’s circadian rhythm – our 24/7 “internal clock”.
- We attribute our sleep-wake cycle to this process.
- Melatonin levels decrease with age – which contributes to sleep disorders.
- Alleviates difficulties falling and staying asleep.
- Speeds up the transition to sleep.
- Enhances the duration of sleep.
- Improves sleep quality.
MAGNESIUM — An essential mineral for the body’s normal functioning
- Magnesium deficiency is common among adults.
- Most men and women do not get enough from their daily diet.
- Proper supplementation is key.
- Helps control your body’s hormonal stress-response system.
- Plays a role in supporting deep, restorative sleep.
- Bolsters healthy levels of GABA – a sleep-promoting neurotransmitter.
- Relieves symptoms of anxiety and depression.
- Stabilizes mood.
BETA CARYOPHYLLENE — Assists with stress relief and anxiety
- FDA-approved GRAS food additive– Is generally recognized as safe by the FDA.
- Potent anti-inflammatory– helps with pain relief
- Lowers cortisol (the “stress” hormone”)– increasing endorphin production.
- Improves mood and enhance well-being– facilitating healthy sleep
As a young resident at the University of Minnesota, one of the largest organ transplant surgical programs in the world, Dr. McCleary learned early on the importance of sleep and it’s impact on performance. For the most part, his schedule left him so bone-tired that getting to sleep was never a problem. Yet, he discovered the true value of restful sleep one day when he literally fell asleep standing up! Lesson learned: sleep is vital to normal human functioning.
However, it wasn’t until later in life that sleep issues began to plague Dr. McCleary. He started waking up in the middle of the night with a mind that “wouldn’t shut off”. With a hundred things to check off his “to do” list, oftentimes after waking at 3 am, he’d simply get up and start working because he couldn’t get back to sleep. He noticed that if this happened a few days in a row, it dramatically impacted his brain function – or as he says, “it felt like I was thinking through wax paper.”
As a practicing surgeon, he was aware of the existing supplement and pharmaceutical solutions. Understanding that these options were primarily sedatives, which have addictive properties and can be responsible for a next-day “hangover effect” or grogginess, he was motivated to design a solution rooted in biology, not in sedation.
Through his research, lDr. McCleary discovered scientifically backed ingredients that have been shown in study after study to relax the brain and promote healthy sleep cycles. Dr. McCleary has developed an effective proprietary formulation of cutting-edge ingredients alongside clinically proven ones to create the< lbreakthrough sleep solution – SERENOTENE™.
Based on Dr. McCleary’s personal and test group results, the positive feedback has been overwhelming. Participants reported falling asleep quickly, better quality of sleep, increased ability to go to and stay asleep, feeling relaxed before bedtime, a reduction in “racing” mind, fewer aches and pains, as well as no “hangover” effect.
Finally, there is a sleep solution that helps soothe an anxious mind while enhancing overall sleep quality – not by knocking you out, but by relaxing the mind and allowing it to ease into restorative sleep cycles naturally.

Dr. Larry McCleary is a board- certified neurosurgeon, whose credentials include:
- Rufus Choate scholar & graduate in Physics at Dartmouth
- Graduated 1st in medical school class
- Residency in Neurosurgery at NY University – Bellevue Medical Center
- Former Head of Neurosurgery at Denver Children’s Hospital
- Co-founder, President of Shining Stars Foundation (provides year-round programs for children with cancer)
- Author of The Brain Trust Program, Feed Your Brain, Lose Your Belly, and The Fracture Cure (2019)